How to request a revocation?
The holder can request a revocation personally during business hours or via e-mail and telephone.
- In the event that the revocation is done personally, the holder must fill the appropriate form and submit it to the registration authority.
- In the event that the revocation is done by e-mail, the holder must send a request which is digitally signed with a trustworthy certificate. Along with this the holder must also notify SIGEN-CA at the revocation hot-line (+386 1 4788777).
- In the event that the revocation is done via telephone (tel. +386 1 4788777) , the holder must also provide the password, which he stated in the form for acquisition of a digital certificate.
Revocation via telephone cannot be done without a password.
In urgent cases (i.e. the private key was compromised or there is a risk of potential abuse of the private key or certificate) the certification authority is obliged to revoke the certificate no later than 4 hours after receiving the revocation request.
If the revocation is requested because the information contained within the certificate has changed, the certificate will be revoked the first business day after the revocation request has been received. The certificate is then added to the certificate revocation list and removed from the registry of certificates.
Revocation Form
When to request a revocation?
The holder must request the revocation in the following cases:
- the private key was compromised in such fashion that affects the reliability of use,
- there is a risk of potential abuse of the private key or the certificate,
- if the information contained within the certificate has either changed or is incorrect.