
For viewing digital certificates in Internet Explorer, choose "Tools" ->"Internet options" and then "Content tab" and then "Certificates".

Digital certificates are divided into four groups:

  • Personal - certificates with our name, given to us by different Certification Authorities. With this menu we view them, import them to another computer, or make a copy ("Export"), which can be imported to another computer.
  • Other People - here we store the certificates of those people, whom we are going to send encrypted mail.
  • Trusted Root Certification Authorities and Intermediate Certification Offices - Certification Authorities

At the beginning these two lists are empty ("Personal", "Other people"). When installing our browser, we automatically activate certificates of some most recognised Certification Authorities.

Viewing a User's Web Digital Certificate

In the "Personal" tab, you can view your digital certificates.

We recommend that you make a back-up copy of your certificate in accordance with the recommendations for secure usage. In the box, we choose "Export..."

By clicking the button "View", we can view in detail the designated digital certificate. Check the data and if you determine that they are incorrect, act in accordance with SIGEN-CA Policy or either turn to the authorised personnel of SIGEN-CA.

Close View of a Digital Certificate

By viewing a web digital certificate with MS Internet Explorer, we can find out the type of data on the certificate. The more important are marked in the two Figures below:

  • Name and Surname of Certificate Holder
  • Serial Number
  • Issuer of Certificate
  • Validity Period of Certificate
  • Certificate Fingerprint (according to algorithm SHA-1)
  • Distinguished Name (see below).

Distinguished Name includes data about the holder, his serial number, and place of notification in the structure of the public directory Certificates differ with regard for whom they are intended. In the table below, we can find the distinguished name for web digital certificates, issued for natural persons, and for certificates for legal and natural persons, registered for performing activities (organisations):

Type of Web Certificate Distinguished Name
for natural persons cn="ime priimek"%serialNumber="serijska številka",ou=individuals,ou=sigen-ca,o=state-institutions,c=si
for legal and natural persons, registered for performing activities cn="ime priimek"%serialNumber="serijska številka",ou="ime organizacije" - "finančna številka",ou=companies-web,ou=sigen-ca,o=state-institutions,c=si

Viewing Digital SI-TRUST Root certificate

You can view digital certificates of the issuer SI-TRUST Root through the menu: choose "Tools" ->"Internet options" and then "Content tab" and then "Certificates". In "Root Certificates", we can see all the certificates.

SI-TRUST Root has issues SIGEN-CA a  certificates. Its certificate was installed, when you installed your web digital certificate on your browser. To view in detail, click the button "View".